Laser Wash – A Technology that Surpasses All

Regardless of the reputation of laser wash, the car wash type has not reached the popularity as it is for the other traditional car wash methods. The laser car wash ensures that your vehicle remain intact while it goes throw the car wash. To present the case that the laser wash is the most advanced cat wash method right now, let me share some of my thoughts with you in comparison with traditional car wash method.

Here are the features that makes laser wash unique. These features are out of comparison as they are not available in the traditional car wash methods.

Features of Touch Free Wash

The machine and parts have no contacts with vehicle

The method is effective for the most vehicle of different types and sizes

The best method to lift organic matter like bird poo or lime dust without damaging the surface.

It requires minimal maintenance

It requires minimal chemical monitoring which takes out any chance of chemical damage.

It has reputation of very limited downtime

It will clean the most amount of containments from a car

The most common option why customers choose laser wash is its pain safety wash.

Touch free wash provides a superior car-wash experience. Unlike other car washes, the touch-free laser wash technology ensures that it tackles almost all debris within a quick time. It washes your car and dries it so efficiently that you will not be able to spot a single stain of water drops later.

Some more features that make it special:

Best Clean.
The chemical solutions attack dirt and grime and the rinse cycle completely without any manual support. Isn’t that great?

Perfectly Dry.
With a touch-free laser wash, get a fully dry car in less than 5 minutes. The inbuilt drying system of the laser wash technology is the most powerful drying system which is energy efficient as well.

Protection That Lasts.
The car wash protects your vehicle from the three most advanced technology: The high pressure clear-coat protectant protects the paint from acid rain and UV rays; RainX complete surface protectant ensures cleanest glasses; triple foam polish enhances shine.

For Laser Wash in San Bruno, visit

Published by Kevin Brown

Hello, I am from San Francisco. I am handling digital marketing aspects of the company Tanforan Shell Car Wash Company. For any queries and questions, please contact the company website. In our company, we use the latest technology to do a car wash.

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